Exactly two months ago, our family left the lovely place that we called home for around five years. During that day and the last weeks before that, my husband and I were so stressed out. The house that we were renting had to be renovated and the scaffolding had been built around the house a couple of weeks before we left.
The fact that the holiday season was already approaching, we had to keep whatever amount of money that we had to survive the weeks that we wouldn’t have income because my husband’s employment status is a “no work, no pay”. To be honest, we wouldn’t afford to pay the bond for a 2-bedroom house in Auckland at that time and it’s been hard to find a decent house for rent in Auckland that would be $400 per week or less. So we thought of moving out of Auckland.
We had always wanted to try living in Central Otago — Cromwell or Alexandra or even Dunedin — but the rentals would not be far from Auckland’s. So it was definitely a “No” or perhaps “Not yet!”
Since my husband’s employer allowed him to work remotely, we considered New Plymouth in Taranaki (5-6 hours drive from Auckland). I spent a week of contacting landlords and agents to schedule some house viewings on a Friday. We had a long Friday of pure road trip with house viewings in between with our two young boys (who were so good and cooperative during our whole travel). We found a house in Inglewood (several minutes away from New Plymouth). We liked the house. It was for only $250 per week. The town centre was just two blocks away. The Playcentre was on the next street. The people seemed to be nice. However, we didn’t hear back from the agent on the day that she promised to call us.
We were rushing to move out because we were concerned about the safety of our young boys and it’s summer so it was the time of the year when we could spend more time outside.
So at night after the day that the agent was expected to call us, my husband and I discussed about considering Timaru (in South Canterbury, South Island of NZ). It was already past midnight and we were still looking through the listings of houses for rent and computing for the moving expenses.
Next day, I found myself talking to some agents in Timaru. None of them would accept our application because they wanted us to view the house first. Yes, we were decided to apply for tenancy without seeing the house that we would be renting. We were that desperate!
Then my husband and I came across a listing for a short-term tenancy because that beautiful 3-bedroom house was already in the market waiting to be sold. I called the agent. I explained about our situation. She was very kind. She asked me if I was sure to apply for a house without even viewing it first. She told me she’d speak to the landlord and would get back to me perhaps in the afternoon or the following day. Less than an hour later, she called me back. She said we could apply for the tenancy. In the next few hours, we had an email with the tenancy agreement that we should sign!
That night, my husband and I continued planning for our next steps. We purchased tickets for the ferry. We discussed about having a garage sale on weekend. We planned to sell almost everything because it would cost us almost $4000-$5000 if we would take everything with us. We ended up giving and donating heaps of stuff and even putting heaps in the bin because they weren’t sold. I was worried and I was exhausted. But then, I thought that it would mean that we could have a fresh start in Timaru and organising the house would be so much easier.
The next day, I received a message from the agent in Inglewood (Taranaki) saying that she was about to prepare our tenancy agreement. Come on! My husband and I were already having some anxiety attacks while waiting for her call. No, we wouldn’t trade our chance to experience living in South Island!
Oh well, the truth is that we had never been here in Timaru before we moved here! Moreover, we didn’t know anyone here in Timaru. So yes, it was an ENORMOUS LEAP OF FAITH!!! Or you might want to call us crazy???
It’s almost two months now since we arrived. Do we like Timaru? WE LOVE IT!!! On Friday, we are moving again!!! It’s still in Timaru and the house is for a long-term tenancy this time. This house that has given us shelter was sold a week after we found a new house.
It’s only been two months yet we have been blessed with very wonderful people from our neighbourhood, from Playcentre, from our nature-based outdoor playgroup and of course from the church. My son has already been settling in well, happy and loved at kindy. My husband and I have been starting to have our own groups of very supportive church people. It feels like we are indeed meant to live here in Timaru.
When we fully allow our fate to be led by our full trust and faith in God’s Will and faithfulness, we open our lives to surprising blessings that have been in store for us. We may feel that we’ve still got some unbearable burdens but the joy and peace in our hearts are overflowing. That’s because we have given God the freedom to fully work in our lives in His mysterious ways.
So when you find a huge gap between now and the future, be brave to take that enormous leap of faith and you might also find yourself in your own heaven here on earth.

Caroline Bay, Timaru, New Zealand